TAU 4 and Team

TAU 4 Fellows

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Central University of Technology

Durban University of Technology

Gita MistriCenter for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

TAU 4 Project Report Dr Gita Mistri 2023

Maud BloseArt and Design

University of Johannesburg

TAU 4 Project Report Dr Maud Blose 2023

Mangosuthu University of Technology

Nelson Mandela University

North West University

Rhodes University

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University

Sol Plaatje University

Stellenbosch University

Tshwane University of Technology

University of Cape Town

University of Fort Hare

University of Free State

University of Johannesburg

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Annah BengesaiLaw and Management Studies
Shenuka SinghCollege of Health Sciences
Sharmla RamaCollege of Humanities

University of Limpopo

Shai ElliotHumanities
Malose Isaac KolaHumanities – School of Education

University of Mpumalanga

Wilfred Otang MbengAgriculture & Natural Sciences

University of South Africa

Nompumelelo RadebeHuman Sciences
Dorothy FarisaniCollege of Law

University of Zululand

University of Pretoria

Alta van der MerweEngineering (EBIT)
Yvette HlopeHealth Sciences

University of Venda

Hlanganipai NgirandeManagement, Commerce and Law

University of Western Cape

Bradley RinkArts and Humanities
Derek YuEconomic and Managements Sciences

Vaal University of Technology

University of Witwatersrand

Walter Sisulu University

TAU 4 Advisors

Prof Bassey Antia

University of the Western Cape

Department of Linguistics


Prof Lindsay Clowes

University of the Western Cape

Women’s & Gender Studies Department


University of Limpopo

Mathematics Education


Dr Jabulani Sibanda

Sol Plaatje University

Department of Education


Dr Jacqueline Luc

Nelson Mandela University

Department of Applied Language Studies


Dr Janine Lewis

Tshwane University of Technology

Department of Performing Arts


University of the Witwatersrand

Science Teaching and Learning Centre


Prof Liqhwa Siziba

North-West University

School of Languages


Dr Masebala Tjabane

Vaal University of Technology

Staff Development


Prof Vivienne Bozalek

University of the Western Cape

Teaching and Learning


TAU 4 Digital Artifacts

Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 10