Welcome to TAU

The TAU Fellowships Programme seeks to build a cadre of teaching fellows in a wide range of disciplines over a 19-month programme, involving block week contact sessions, individual projects in own teaching and learning settings, group projects and reflective reports; participants are drawn from all South African universities.

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For more information about the origins of TAU , see the following publications:

DE KADT, Elizabeth; JAWITZ, Jeff. (2018) Exploring Discomfort and Care in the Experience of a National Academic Staff Development Programme. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL), 6(2), 21-39. ISSN 2310-7103. Available at: https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/cristal/article/view/1924

DE KADT, Elizabeth. (2019) Promoting social justice in teaching and learning in higher education through professional development. Teaching in Higher Education. Available at: